Sunday, October 31, 2010

What is Too Late...

Talked to my friend again. I hope this isn't something I like, shouldn't be sharing on the internet, but I guess my hope is that you guys, and maybe my friend, if he reads this someday will know my heart on the issue, and you guys, as brothers and sisters in Christ, are joining me in prayer.

We had another interesting conversation today. I asked him about how he keeps saying he's a terrible person but he's not really ready to make a change? And he said he has fun, but on the other hand he wants to change before it's too late. It's interesting to me the battle going on here.

Sin holds so tight to a person. It's so hard for a person to walk away from a habit, from a sin that seems so desirable. But on the other hand he knows what he needs to do. He just hasn't done it yet. And I asked what's too late? And he told me Jesus' return...or I die, which the way I live could be soon. That's sad to me. I can't imagine not having the assurance that if I died, I would go to Heaven. What a scary thing.

He's so close to wanting to find GOd, and yet so far at the same time. I know he has to be struggling, and it's really sad. He's fighting with God, and I have to hope that he lets God win.

But when is too late? I guess to my way of thinking, now is too late...Who knows what the next moment will bring?

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