Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Viva and I had our first official detox ride tonight.

I had spent the last slightly less than 24 hours being counselor to some friends, worrying and praying and crying out to God (Check the Issues of Freewill Blog and you'll see what I'm talking about). It's hard, and it's a great experience, because I know it draws me closer to God. And it makes me feel useful, and needed, and we all like to feel needed sometimes. But. Let's face it. Experiences like that are exhausting, physically, emotionally, spiritually.

For a long time now, horses have been my detox for those times, my way to get a perspective, get back down to earth. Unfortunately, my previous detox horse, Vegas, is getting sort of old, and I can't really just set her into a lope for miles and miles anymore.

It takes a pretty broke horse to be a detox horse. It just doesn't have the same cleansing effect if you're trying to do training or something. But today, I just went out to the pasture and piled on Viva, no ground work or anything, and rode her back to the house. Thought to myself, "Well, I left all the gates open, so let's try it." After I got her to stop stalling up and settle into her stride, she did fantastic. Flawless. Perfect. We just walked and trotted, but she was happy as a clam, didn't put a foot wrong. Had to look at the culvert kinda cross-eyed, but most horses do. We rode to the highway and back, a good two mile trip, all totaled. It was fabulous.

It's just a reminder to me, I guess, that God is still in control, that He allows me quiet moments and solid horses to get me through the tough times. It's a way to get my world back in orbit, to get perspective, a time to pray and appreciate God's creation.

And I felt so connected with Viv when we were done. Like, I haven't felt that close to her since she was like, a weanling. haha. She was all snuggly and she was all looking at me as I walked away. I know she doesn't feel human emotions or anything, but still, it was kinda sad. =P

At any rate, it was exactly what I needed. I don't know why riding helps me straighten all the thoughts in my head and get a grip on life, but it does, and I needed that today. I feel like I got a lot of the world's evil thrown at me in a small space of time. Sometimes we just need a reminder that there is still good in the world, as well.

And once again, I'm asking you guys to pray. Nothing causes change like prayer. "P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something Happens" and I know that groups praying are stronger than just one person. I've never met someone as lost as the boy I was talking about in my last blog. It breaks my heart, and it's one of those things that is so frustrating because there's so little I can do, expect be a good friend, and pray that God will work in his life. I'm trying very hard not to worry, because I know all about worry, and I just found myself wishing I was God so I could fix blasphemous is that? lol. At any rate, I've made it my goal to pray every time I want to worry.

Anyway, love you all.

Erika Rose <3

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