Monday, October 26, 2009

Obligation is the stupidest word ever....

I HATE the word obligation. Well, no, I don't. I don't mind obligation. Like my obligations to go to choir every day. But I hate when people feel that it applies to them concerning me. Like when people feel obligated to call me. When, really, they're not. I couldn't care LESS whether they called or not. Well, I probably could, but still. I'd honestly rather they didn't call at all than simply calling out of obligation. I don't know why it bothers me so much. I guess because I want to feel like my friends are actually friends, rather than just friends because they feel "obligated" for whatever reason.

And just for the record, if you're reading this, think how degrading it is to wonder if you're just calling because she told you to. Not because you just want to talk to me, or even because you're BORED (although I gotta say, that one bothered me a bit, too. I'm just the object that keeps you from being bored? Like a game of cards or a computer? Yeah. Thanks.) Still, I hate that you just call when someone tells you to.

And you know, who knows. I may be blowing it way out of proportion. Maybe you don't feel obligated at all and you really did just call because you wanted to, but where does the fact that I even have to wonder put us? I'm not as bothered as I sound, I promise. You can do whatever you freaking want and it's certainly no skin off my nose. But for future reference, don't call out of some stupid save the world complex obligation. It drives me up the wall, and honestly, now be ready for this, because the truth hurts, but I really don't NEED you.

Gah. The teenage years. Although, I'm starting to wonder, does stupid stuff like this really end when you get out of the teens? I mean, I used to think so, but I gotta admit, I'm not really so sure anymore. lol. It's like that saying. "Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." Huh. Thought for the day, I guess. <3


  1. I would say that your saying of "Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional." is fairly accurate. Love you!

  2. Unfortunately people will continue to be stupid even after you're a "grown up", it's just that it gets much easier to say good riddance to those sorts of people the older you get. Plus you get more and more secure with yourself, so you care less and less what other people think. Also your horizons expand a bit more so chances are good you'll have at least one or two really good "true" friends so the rest won't matter. Keep your chin up kiddo! And I LOVE your attitude about not needing the person you're speaking of. Very wise!
