Tuesday, October 13, 2009

blah blah blah

I am going to have Hero by Nickelback stuck in my head alllllll night. It's a good song though. Ya'll should go listen to it.

I really don't feel like blogging, but I feel like I'm getting lazy and ought to put SOMETHING up. Baha. I'm fifteen now. I don't feel any different. lol. But I still have this on top of the world high. Sort of. I'm pretty drained right now. Long day. Getting up early to go to the dentist, then helping Dad and Grandpa move cows. And I gotta say, nobody can complain to me about the cold until they've been out in 32 degrees (not counting wind chill!) moving cattle on a four wheeler. It was FRIGID. Needless to say , I'm pretty tired right now.

Buuut things still look good. Haha. I gotta say, I'm a little skeptical. I don't really expect this little high to last. Hope it does, but don't really expect it, and I'm not really sure what's gonna happen if it wears off. SO we're all going to pray that it doesn't, yes? Bwahaha.

We're headed to Bismarck this weekend. I'm so stoked to go shopping and just BLOW this town. Haha. I'm so excited to just be getting out of Wibaux for a while. Like, I LOVE this town, but I'm just getting sick of it. Getting away for the weekend will be lovely. Annd I think I'm putting in my last few shifts at the Hut on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm sure I'll put in some time next week or whatever, but that's okay. It'll be kind of sad to see it close, but it's kind of a relief in a way, too. One less thing that I need to worry about. I'm going to try really hard not to overload myself this year. I'm already dropping praise team, unless they need me, and it'll be nice not to have to worry about work until next spring, too. I won't have to go back until AFTER basketball is over, which is a relief. I can't imagine trying to keep up with basketball AND work. It would be impossible. It exhausts me just to think about it. xD lol

Speaking of which, I gotta say, I am REALLY excited for basketball. It starts in..Oh my gosh, like, almost a month. It is CRAZY how fast this year is flying by already. Like, I feel like I just started school. How is it October? It seems like when I was little the time between the beginning of school and my birthday just DRAGGED by. Now it's like, Christmas is practically upon us! AH! Now I know why my mother starts Christmas s hopping in July. HA HA HA. I love my mother.

At any rate, that's pretty much all that's going on with me these days. Annd. I'm gonna go do some math, so that I'm not behind tomorrow, and hopefully do some Bible Study. And then I'm off to bed.

Erika Rose.

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