So. I was thinking today about the Christy Miller books because I loaned them to a friend of mine, and like, I loved them, because from the very beginning, you knew Christy and Todd were meant for each other. And sometimes I would get really frustrated because Christy would be an idiot and go after some other guy, but I didn't mind, because I was pretty sure that I knew the ending.
I wonder if that's how it is with God. The whole time we're living our lives, he has this little smile on his face because he knows how that part of the story is going to end. Like, I wonder if he feels like I did reading about Christy and Todd, only even more satisfied in bringing a couple together, because really, I was only reading the story. I didn't have any say in the matter.
Do you suppose God feels emotion? I mean, obviously he does, because it makes him sad when we sin, and he was angry enough with the people of Noah's time to destroy the world by water. So I suppose it's not bad to compare our measly human emotion to him, is it?
I would say not. We were made in his image so our emotions are perfectly natural. It's what we do with them and how we allow them affect us and those around us that matters.