So. I was going to clean my room. And then start on my Inductive Study Bible. But. I decided I was going to do this first. I want to take the time to count my blessings. Maybe I'll print it out and hang it on my wall. I don't know. But I want it to be a reminder to myself, and maybe to someone else, too, to be thankful for what I have, even when times get hard.
1. My Parents - So. Definitely at the top of the list are my parents. They are the most amazing people I know. Throughout the trials of the past weeks, they have stood strong, my dad especially. He has always been, and will always be, my rock. And my mom. Well, I love her more than anything in the world. Who else would get up when they couldn't sleep at 3 in the morning to read my Blogspot and then proceed to write me a letter on her thoughts on Election vs. Freewill, just so maybe she can help me find the answers I'm seeking. No one but a mother, I think.
2. My Friends Sarah. Danny. Brian. Melissa. Jen. I seriously don't know what I would do without these guys. Sarah is the one who lets me rant and rave, but most of all, who gets it, even where others might misunderstand. Danny, my other rock. Haha. The one who gives me perspective and reminds me that, no, my world is not falling apart, even though sometimes it feels that way. Brian. The one I know I can turn to if I ever need anything. I'm sorry we don't talk as much as we used to, but you are a blessing nonetheless. Don't ever forget that. Melissa. The one who's always been there. I'm so excited about whatever's coming for us. Jen. The one who got me into horses. The one who's always up for whatever I want to do. I know there are probably others that I'm forgetting, so please, don't take offense or anything. You're amazing.
3. My Family So these guys are probably underappreciated, but my sister, my brother, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. I know we don't keep in touch all that much, but I know you guys are there, and I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have been raised in the family that I was, where faith and hope and love are all strong.
4. Church, and of course, all the people there. I seriously love my church. There's no where else that I get the shivers when I listen to the music, and it's where I most often take time to sit back and think, and listen. To evaluate my life and think about how the Bible applies to me, personally. And the people are incredible, too. There is such unity there. It's amazing.
5. Music So I know this probably sounds dumb, but I Don't think it is. And when I say music, I don't just mean the gift of music, the fact that I can sing or play piano (although I really can't) but music in general. For the songs that reach out to me and speak to me. Music has always been my forte, and I think it's always what I'm most open to. I think I probably feel closest to God when I"m singing, or listening to someone else sing. There are so many messages within music. I feel blessed anytime I hear it.
6. Horses Namely of course, Vegas. That poor horse has seen it all, and she has always been there for me. She doesn't like it sometimes, but she is. No one else on earth can give me wings the way she does. There's nothing to give me perspective like a good long bareback run. It's a haven for me, a place to get away from the crazyness of life and get things back into perspective again. A place for me. I seriously don't know what I would do without those equines.
7. The Little Things Honestly, I'm thankful for the little things. Like the roof over my head and the cell phone in my pocket and the iPod that's currently in my purse. My sight and my health, the health of my family and friends. I know it sounds goody-two-shoes and all, but I don't think people think about the little things in life.
8. Mercy If there is one thing that has stuck with me from church, it is that God's mercy is new every morning. I cannot get over that. That no matter what I've done the day before, I wake up in the morning and God allows me to have a clean slate. Yes, I might still have to deal with the consequences of yesterday's actions, but God allows me that mercy, that grace, that strength and courage. It's awe inspiring, isn't it?
9. Jacob Moore I know this is crazy, but I am so thankful for that little boy. That whole family, really, but Jake is a miracle in the flesh. Every time I look into those big blue eyes or watch him look at me and go "HI!" I remember that miracles DO happen. He is like, a living reminder to me of God's faithfulness, and of the power of prayer.
So usually people do ten. But. I'm running out. Well, I know I'm not, but these were the ones that came to mind. So I'm just going to leave it as is. And remember that "God works all things for the good of they that love Him, to them that are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
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