Hmm. Well. It was an interesting day. I woke up this morning feeling really good and ready to take on the day. Made my bed, read my Bible, yadda yadda.
I was reading in Matthew 25, and it was the chapter that has the parables of the talents, and how the master gave one man 5 talents, one man two, and another 1 talent, and how they handled it and how he responded when he returned. And I've spent most of the day trying to figure out what it means for us. I still haven't really come to an answer, other than that we definitely need to use the talents that God has given us, and give them back to Him to the best of our abilities, doing the best with what we are given as we are able to do.
Then there was also the parable of the virgins and the oil lamp, and five took extra oil, and the others didn't, and they got caught outside. And I haven't really figured that one out either, other than that we shouldn't be caught when Christ comes doing something He wouldn't approve of, I guess. But I don't know how that regards to us, because we ARE saved. So I'm trying to figure out why we need to be ready. Being saved would be the main thing, living our lives according to Christ, but that doesn't seem deep enough to me. It's like, stating the obvious, I guess, and I guess I probably tend to read too deeply into things.
But basically I spent most of the day trying to figure out what this means for us, how we need to respond,what we need to do, what it teaches us.
And, on to other, less deep things. Bahaha. I had detention today. First one EVER. For having 3 tardies. Dumb, dumb, DUMB! Oh well. I got most of my stupid Montana History review done, which is good, cuz it was late. But I was gone. So I used that as an excuse. Bad girl, I know, and I don't like excuses, but I did it anyway. Cuz I'm beyond caring. Haha. I'm really xcited for school to end. I'm sick of worrying about it. I still have a bunch of math that I need to get done, but I'll either do it later tonight or in the morning. Because I'm a procrastinator. Or maybe I just won't do it at all. Ooooo, rebel. Tisk tisk tisk. Lol.
Anyway, I guess I don't have much else to say. That was pretty much my pondering for the day. xD
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