Well, I'm pretty much exhausted, emotionally, physically, the whole nine yards. For some reason, this has just been a really LONG week. Which is odd. Because I got out of school early today, and don't have to go tomorrow, so it's actually a shorter week. Still, it was one of those weeks were everything just dragged by at a SNAIL'S pace. It was awful. So I'm glad that it's over.
I'm frustrated on behalf of my friend all over again. I was ranting to my parents today. I hate being helpless, and it drives me crazy that I can't even find out how they're doing. Not really. Maybe I need to try harder. I don't know. I'm pretty much at a loss at the current moment. And I'm probably also being a bit dramatic because it's 12:20 a.m. and I should probably be in bed. So don't mind me. Everything seems larger than life when I'm tired, and I'm like, half asleep right now. Still, I felt a need to put something up, just so everyone (not that anyone's actually reading, but, you know) knows that I didn't drop off the face of the earth. Haha.
I getta go play with horses tomorrow, which is always fun! Especially after a week with really nice weather and not being able to ride because of work, because of the cantata. Today the weather was gross. But it's supposed to be lovely tomorrow. So basically, I'm excited! I get to play with the Tennessee Walkers that DeeDee's got in for training, which I'm pretty pumped about, because they're neat little (well, not little, exactly. :p) horses. Then again, I think basically every horse is neat. But still, I haven't had the opportunity to work with any Walkers yet, so I'm pretty excited.
So I guess on that exciting note, I leave you. Good night my dears. <3
Hey Erika! I saw that you have a blog via Shannon's blog. How fun!