So I've pretty much decided that my dad is amazing, and that I want to be just like him. He's a great person, but I guess the thing I was actually thinking about was how he works with animals. xD That's like, I dunno, superficial or surfacy or whatever, I know, but it's true!
I've watched him working with cattle for two days straight. To watch him peel a cow off the main bunch is amazing. It's like....he picks her out and then there she is, right through the gate, even if she was surrounded by like, 10 other cows, or right in the middle of the pack! It's crazy. Of course, he misses one every now and then. Cattle tend to be that way. I swear livestock is the meaning of Murphy's Law incarnate; if something CAN go wrong, chances are it probably will, so it's always best to be prepared. But like, it seems like the cows always end up just where he wants them. Working with cows myself over the past couple years helping him and stuff, I know how hard it is to cut a cow or a calf out of the bunch, and a good share of the time my dad just makes it look easy.
I want to be able to do that. Basically, I love my dad. =) It seems like he can do whatever he sets his mind to. =P Love ya dad.
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