Monday, March 15, 2010

Holding On to Optimism

I am working so hard to hold onto the optimism I was showing during that last post. I'm still feeling kind of overwhelmed. I just need to get caught up on math and it will all be good. I think I have a study date at the Flying J tomorrow. Baha. We'll see..

Both my parents are feeling pretty gross today, so I'm hoping I don't catch whatever they have. I'm feeling pretty good right now, so hopefully I'll be able to hold onto that.

There are 51 days of school left, and 95 until I head to camp in Ekalaka. I am so jazzed. lol. I keep looking forward to the future, though; I'm having issues with the present. I want school to be over. It just feels like I have absolutely no life while I'm in school, and it sucks. I hate it. lol. Now that basketball's over, it's like, there isn't even any draw to school. It just sucks. =S Ohhh well. I'm getting so close to the end. The end of third quarter is this coming Friday, and I think this week will go by fast. Then we're into fourth quarter! Hurray!

So. I guess I will pray and hold onto my optimism, and hopefully my health. Anybody up for praying with me?

Erika Rose